I do believe this forum has a Facebook page of some sort…
quite exactly one fourth of an inch in difference between the two :P
LOL! I mean this one: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440151a&prodId=prod1095492
Have anyone else noticed the difference in length between the red plastic 18 inch tool that comes with the island of blood, and the GW "roll out"...
Alright, seems fair enough to me.. The idea just popped into my brain :P
Can a unit if ripperdactyls snipe a hero/lord off the back of a monster with their killing blow?
Rules as Written / Rules as Interpreted (i think)
I recommend getting a salamander or two, they are a lot of fun :D
It doesnt say that it targets all models in the front arc either, it says that it targets all targets within 12/18/24 inches. Needs a FAQ imo
I just tried this build in a 1600p game vs high elves! Worked out great; no failed casts, no miscasts. My high elf opponent had an easy time...
This is a great idea, Ill try it in my next game for sure :D
Ants man, they are incredible! How about a colony of ants that are able to tunnel through rock, that resides in the walls an old cave or temple,...
Direct damage spells arent allowed to TARGET units in close combat, or units outside the casters range or front-arc. But the deliverance of itza...
Alright thanks, I only have access to the island of blood rule book.. Waiting for 9th edition or more money I guess :P PS: It still would´nt...
In wich order are multiple wounds apply? Say a carnosaur causes 3 wounding hits to a block of 3-wound ogres; Do you roll the three D3 multiple...
Re: Volcanic Lizardmen Painting blog (Kroxigor update 11/17) Awesome! Rockzigors!
Yeah, im thinking placing him in a forward unit of TG, to get him in the thick of battle and start spamming the cheapest version of the spell. Str...
Lord Kroak Deliverer of Itza.. Have anyone tried him out? Is he any good? Im going to try him out tomorrow! Just looking at his profile he...