I'm semi-jealous of your man-cave dude! (you need a larger desk though) Awesome looking conversion too, there will never be a GW cast with...
How about: Scar vetaran, LA, enchanted shield, dawnstone, cold one 2+ rerollable armour save vs str 5 attacks should work vs say.....
Awesome, thank you for the great feed back! I will consider everything!
I am fairly new to the Lizardmen, and this is my first attempt at creating a tournament list. I'm not going for 1st place or anything, but some...
Im rooting for Izbit so far.
Once you clean a die a significant portion of its personality will be washed away, and its average roll will go from 3.5 to 2.5. These "forsaken"...
I guess thats why they are free... Hand weapons look way cooler though
Supporting attacks only get one attack, so your average saurus block of 20 warriors in a 5x4 formation with a champion makes 21 attacks total in...
All skink list with a saurus general? ! Thats an outrage. Remove the old bloods, add tetto'eko, and use the access points to pimp up the chiefs...
I was wrong about the LOS, I read the spell now, I thought it hit all models within the radius, but it hits all units - my bad!
For long ages of the world, the mysterious continent of Lustria has remained hidden to outsiders... Just fluff, whats special about it?
Watermark? Yo quiero link to the watermark thread!
Haha, thats awesome, adding even more to him :D Cant wait to see the finished and painted end-result :D
Armour saves are allowed vs magical attacks, unless otherwise stated in the spell description. All models touched by the template as it travels...
Id say it qualifies for a Look out sir!
Cool model, but whats up with the hovering ring on the tail?
- Tiktaq'to gives his WS to the other terradons in his units. Thats all nice and dandy but he cant join any terradons. Yeah thats awkward -...
As a new lizardman player, who havent tried the old book, all I can say is that I really like the current one. Every unit is tempting to field!
I agree with Anton S, reading the basic rule book is not a good way to get into the hobby! If he is motivated to learn all the rules I would...