FML I guess it makes sense. Thanks for the swift reply.
If I equip a scar veteran with the Stegadon Helm and a great weapon, will the impact hits be strength 5, or strength 7?
No combat blocks, no wizards and no rare choises? :D I can only see this going horribly wrong, but it would be a shame not to try it out :D
Torn between death and doom.
I was puzzled to find that the box of skinks I purchased was empty of any sort of banner or instrument. GW doesn't sell skink command groups do...
The ability to trade spells is the lore attribute called "Contemplations" for the Lizard version of High Magic. If you trade in a High Magic spell...
Have any of you tried conversions like this? Or are you just pondering? I wanna see photos! :D
Re: Have any of you tried using the Jungle Swarms in 8th edi OIC tks
Re: Have any of you tried using the Jungle Swarms in 8th edi Who is Vetock?
Or 7 :P I agree, especially in lower point games, as the winds of magic doesn't scale with points. For example, if you throw Fiery Convocation...
I say yes. I have been pondering the same thing for 1200 points games/tournaments. I´d say the slann is worth the 150ss, nude. If you compare...
Me gusta.
Alright thanks ;_;
Are they legal targets for Lore of Beasts impenetrable pelt etc?
For example, if you get hit by fiery convocation (S4 hits on all models in a unit) on a unit with 21 temple guards and a Slann, you roll like...
2+ for wounds on the slann and 5+ for wounds on the TGs i guess ^_^
Re: The 8e Lizardmen Handbook I may be wrong but I do believe that skaven does not get hatred Vs a unit of TGs containing a slann with the shaven...
Truly impressive paint job, I love the contrasty cartoonish feel. I wish you had uploaded more pictures of it! What set up are you running on him?
Your greek army display looks absolutely wicked, awesome job.