Fair points. Most of that is models I didn't play or their save didnt really matter to begin with. I'll take the W for 4+ save warriors in my...
Pretty sure anything that lost ignore -1 also got +1 to their save, so its actually a buff.
The store has been messed up for awhile. A bunch of models are not listed unless you search for them, or random things showing up in the wrong...
Finally found the summon rules. I'm fine with summon spam being dead, was boring as sin to play and completely warped our spell casting.
Depending on what his points end up being, may finally run my Starseer as something other than a Slaan proxy. 3D6 Charge is a game changer. Kind...
I got a laugh out of the article, its sounds like something I would write to my friend when I get some stupid army idea at 1 in morning. It was...
https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/03/03/seraphon-the-rulesgw-homepage-post-2/ More previews So the choice seems to be play Starbound for...
[IMG] Cold ones are all painted, and first set also has riders painted. I forgot how much of a pain most knight models are to paint if you don't...
[IMG] Got primer, so everybody is prepped for Contrast now. Primed extra Knights just so I can paint them in sets of 5 for each colour combo....
People like me who want dumb stuff to put on their desk at work. Still debating grabbing the Ultramarine one to repaint in to a chapter I like....
I've worked with enough resin to know finecast is the lower end of quality. Would still take it over assembling and protecting pewter. Biggest...
It got better, but that initial launch was terrible. Kind of funny retrospect comparing the Finecast and Contrast hype and launches. Despite the...
There has been a lot of finecast getting phased out or last chanced. The entire first part of 40k's physic awakening is basically just redoing...
Considering how long we've been getting Darkoath stuff and no book, I'd take Kurnothi getting a full book with a grain of salt. Do more to Chaos...
Moving older armies away from needing to be hordes is a good thing. Also trying to cram 90 gunners within 18" of a General is probably not an easy...
Hmmmm, may need to grab some Freeguild to finally use those third party characters I picked up ages ago. Hoping there are some new models coming...
Our entire army is riddled with F'Daemons rules, and that hits way more stuff than Savage Orcs' anti Night Haunt rule. Everchosen got rolled in...
I picked up a set of the Apoc 32mm trays for my warriors. While not the most efficient if I want to maximize melee, makes moving 40 a lot faster.
[IMG] Not a bad for a day project. Needs a decent amount of touch-ups and all the heraldry. Banner and Crest are separate to help free hand....
I go back to my original point. If they are close enough that you are likely to charge them, they could have charged you anyway.