Looking to show a friend AoS and figured a mirror match of Meeting Engagement Allegiance: Seraphon Spearhead Skink Starpriest (80) - Spell:...
I lean on over reacting. So some guys move in 12, doesn't affect your hero phase, movement phase, or shooting phase. If they ran that deep to try...
Not much for Seraphon progress due to being out of white primer. All my old black primed stuff has been stripped. To get a better coverage with...
Order: Besides Seraphon, probably Stormcast. Like Marines in 40k, if you are playing order its not a bad choices to dip in to. Also Stardrakes....
He comes with a 32mm to play on, and the 40mm scenic base.
Managed to find him in one of the catalogues on Solegends [IMG] Better pic from 8e book [IMG]
Three start collecting Fyreslayerd and Gotrek is just shy of 2k :p
That pestilence list is almost exactly what I was considering for Skaven. 2 furnaces, 120 monks, corrupter then either another 40 monks or a 2nd...
What are competive skaven running these days after skaventide? I feel like fluff alone means Gotrek would beat them
Warriors all done. Here a comparison for the five colours against my old scheme [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Group shot [IMG] Command...
Gotrek's stats went out today https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/09/05/gotrek-vs-the-mortal-realms/ The blender to end all blenders, mostly...
Fluff would be the biggest reason. Currently Slaan just shows up, summons an army, then leaves. Doesn't really fit the Warcry narrative. Unless...
Managed to get Red and Orange completely done. I need to go over them and do touch-ups, but going to to leave that until after I do bases since I...
There is a Starpriest in there, formatting just sucks. Ended up settling on this for now Allegiance: Seraphon Mortal Realm: Hysh Leaders Slann...
Couldn't fit this all in one post So the only issue now was that all my models are currently primed black. Fortunately, Super Clean and a few...
Started Seraphon back with GHB 2018 because AoS finally lets me run all the big dumb monsters that just got punked by artillery/magic in WHFB....
I got a painting pledge on B&C to finish first then I can start working on AoS again. Need to strip what I have to re-prime for contrast, since I...
I like it when running a Carnovet since its probably the most command point intensive model we have. 1/3 chance of refunding the point can give...
Working on my AoS again since my play group has agreed upon a break from 40k after our latest GT. So started looking after my stuff again with the...
You missed the realm of Hysh