thanks man!!
Hi guys I remember from somewhere that the balewindvortex is about 100pts to field.... However I cant find the points in the app nor in the GH.......
The main colorscheme for my army is going to be blue, orange and yellow.... For the fur I will vary between white and brown
Yet more Skaven Guys! Here is my Arch Warlock with a very different color scheme! Feedback comments are welcomed! -----Arch Warlock------...
Same here, I have fount it more useful for base coating, pre-shading and large models. I still have a long way to go but long story short I have...
I recently started playing with skaven and therefore I can tell you that there is a way to nuke everything after popping out from anywhere in the...
What an awesome conversion man I love it! I see you have done some testing with the airbrush! what do you think about painting with it? I am still...
Glad to be back man, I had been playing more than anything else lately but I missed the painting part and the community here. If you are talking...
As promised here are some more pictures of my lastly painted miniatures: This is a plague priest that came as a bonus on an island of blood set i...
Thanks @Seraphage ! Sure, Wood: This was my first try at using my airbrush, i started priming everithibg with a neutral brown, after that I did...
After a long time of being in the dark ( like usual)... I come to you with the greatest of all heresy! An update of the slow process of painting...
Awesome news! Has he given you any hints about when would the Generals Handbook II will be released?
@darren watson diu you double the range of the spells after adding the astrolith bearer bonus or before adding it?