Hey man! Its probably going to be around October + shipping time depending on your country
Hey man! Thanks a lot for the comments! The batch is gone, but I might be able to get them to do a a few of extra copies. Send me a pm if...
Cheers man! Thanks a lot for the kind word! I appreciate them and happy to hear you have been able to pick up a trick or two! Cant wait to see...
Probably a lot less then it took me! Hahahah This was the first miniature I fully sculpted, so it involved learning the program, learning...
The assembly was preaty easy I just used the putty to make sure all surfaces are smooth, I always do this when assembling minis before doing a...
Ready for some Paint!! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Not at the moment men, :(
Thanks for all the nice comments guys! Cant wait to have it ready to paint and see what you do with it!
Hey Guys! Happy to show you one more update on the print of this guy! Very happy with how the face turned out! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Hi Man! Sorry for the late response. At the moment I don't plan to release the file, or mass produce it. I will just be doing a super small batch...
Hey Guys! Here is another update on how the mini is coming along! The 3D print is almost Ready and I believe it is coming Perfect so far! Let me...
Thanks Man! I cant wait to see how the master print turns out! It shouldn't be to long now.
Moving into 3D printing now guys! I will be sending an email update soon!
Hi Guys! 360 of my Sculpt! Working on the master 3D Print now! [ATTACH] [MEDIA] Hope you like it! :)
Hi josh! Just sent an email like a minute ago hahaha, let me know if you didn't get it and I can resend it to you
I have also thought about this! I might try it in the future Hahah thanks man!!
Got it! I will respond shortly! Thanks sir!
I would be printing it in a good quality 3D printer... that is the expensive part, casting the copies is relatively cheap
Hahah Maybe later I can upload another angle for you to see! :)