Hahaha thanks a lot man but I just copied gw color scheme Agree, here ir how I did it A ehile back when I was getting back into the hobby I...
I used scale75 paints, but I normally don't guide my painting in the bottled psint referencws ... Instead o mix colors ubtil I fint the tones I...
Looking great @spess ! I am sure the rippers will end up lloking great
hahaha yes thats what I meant
yes, there must be an infinite amount of tutorials about glaring in youtube. In this technique you are basically using very diluted "tint" the...
A pleasure working with you!
Hey glad you like it! And thabk you for the nice words. If you want to replicate the effect with a paintbrush, it can be done. It would just take...
Its definatelly a challenge, I am trying to keep up improving while at the same time reducing the painting time of my models. It hasnt been easy...
Just what you said! The only thing is that it is big in americas and europe but it doesn't have anything new or disruptive
Here is the link to the group https://chat.whatsapp.com/0UUT6dqq6eV41rlo0wHyCR
close, but in this one you don't get profiles or advertising, its preatty much like messaging They have already created the invite link in the...
Its basically a messaging app that uses cellphone data to send free text, images and videos... probably the most widely used messaging app in the...
Hi everyone I just saw a post on TGAC, mentioning the idea of wattsapp group for Seraphon users around the globe, and I thought it might be...
@Robertxtrem Just one quick question can you do a re-roll more than once, it the rule "you can't re-roll a re-roll" not a rule anymore? can you...
Great idea! I will do that!
Thanks my friend!! hahahah.... there is always room to improve and there is always something to learn from anyone!:D
Here is a Close Up of the Skinks [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
After putting this guy away for so long! he is finally done! I can finally move on to the carnosaur conversion. Not utterly convinced about how he...
I remwber magnetizing my stagadon a while back! It was my first magnetization and I really loved how it turned out. My last magnetization was a...