Hahahha! I know which mini you are reffering to.... thanks for the nice comments man I am really happy you liked it! The reason its is not in...
Hahaha thanks for the confidence my friend... Not sure I would but at least I would like to try!
I would really love to join armies on Parade however! I live to far away to be able to compete! It would definatelly be a great motivator
I play with both Stormfiends and lizards... the best way to deal with warpfire throwers (since now they don't have say) is with movement, the...
This is the confirmation about the command traits
I agree thanks for the explanation
The asyr app hasmany mistakes still, go with the book
I am little lost, how did you get the 19" move, wouldn't it be 16? How do you get an 11"+2D6 threat range? wouldn't it be 5"+ 2D6? What am I...
Just that you can use his command ability before teleporting a big unit to the enemy lines and guaranteeing that charge in very pivotal points of...
In the grand alliance community there is a rumor thread that has been right so far. in that thread they mention the release of shadow elves or...
Yes the slann as well. The plan you propose is also very viable the main fact is to make sure you get the buff to the charge Also I think the...
Whenever you want in the hero phase, it doesnt have to be at the start
I think I misunderstood your question the first time. The main purpuse of teleporting the skink priest is to make him be in range of most units to...
I definitely will... I have high hopes for it The starpriest is to be able to guive the carnosaurs the double damage and to be able to cast also...
Here is a list that I believe would work well: Seraphon Oldblood on Carnosaur (Coronal Shield) Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (Blade of...
Thanks for the update! I hear you get points added to the warscrolls when purchasing the GH2017 is that true?
Hi guys, do you know imhow the app gets updated when you purchase the GH 2017 i am trying to decide if its worth it go have the digital version
I think you can go bound that: reroll ones to hit from a slann constellation, or get +1 to the charge reroll hit rolls from an gastrolith bearer...
Do you know what is going to happen with compendium units and war scroll battalions from the beginning? Skink chiefs, tehenhauin, etc...
I also believe this was the intent and I hope it is like this. But it is not clear and therefore I am not sure.