I like them. I think it's quirky. *shrug*
Wow, nice post Mossy! Dat thunder lizard... holy smoking cold one egg.
Yeah... the part is only really sad if you played Mordecai in the first game. D:
I also like the purple and teal as well as the Jade Sarab ones (The purple and teal are the colors I have planned for my army!!!!!!!) So if we...
Labyrinth, anyone? >:3 I think my ultimate Warhammer goal is to make a Goblin army themed after this movie. Maybe use some Brettonian bits and...
I would say to just keep your eye on ebay. Eventually one is bound to pop up.
I can definitely see how that would be obnoxious, but as was already said what's really important is that you are both playing armies you enjoy,...
By boyfriend and I preordered it, and we played the bajeezus out of it (doing every single side mission) until we beat it almost a week ago. I...
Hmm... Which would be better, Ruby Ring of Ruin or Rod of the Storm? They cost the same, but I'm thinking that Urannon's Thunderbolt might be...
But even if you get down to less than 15, you are still getting more hits than you would be with hand weapons. >:3 xD I think I agree! I will...
Awesome, again thanks for the tips. Pretty close to what I was aiming towards as it was for a 500 point army. Question is, should I use points...
Thanks for the tips! :D To start off we will probably be doing some 500 point games (using all manner of cardboard proxying... D:) for the sake...
Once I finally scrape an army together, my main opponent will be my boyfriend, who will probably play Dark Elves (which I find ironic, because of...
Personally I like the Lore of Heavens on the Lizardmen in general, through fluff and functionality. And though I'm pretty sure the Lore of Life...
I actually had pronounced Kroak as crow-ack for quite a while, and then I just looked at it once and was like "Wait... oooooooohhhh." I actually...
I think it would be cool to have like a Carnosaur with a bolt thrower on its back similar to that on the back of a Stegadon, with a Skink as pilot.
No it's not too late to get into the action (I believe) but it would be great if you would fill out your preferences on the poll here:...
I'm not sure about symbols, but on page 39 of the codex it says the word for hatred is "Chaq." If nothing else, you could spell it out with the...
As for decoration colors, I like the amethyst idea. Would contrast nicely. However for the weapons specifically I think it would make more sense...
Wow, I love the look and the fluff of these guys: just gorgeous! I'm a big fan of color schemes like that in general, and it looks wicked.