So, as a beginner, I am slowly building a 1500 list and I have no idea what to put on my Skink Priest and Scar Vet. There are lots of things I am...
I've noticed that, unsurprisingly, this is a gaming genre that seems to have an immense population of male gamers when compared to female gamers....
Re: Color Schemes Thanks ^_^ I appreciate the encouragement.
Re: Warhammer Newbie; First Army idea Alrighty. So do you also agree that I should cut out one of the priests entirely?
Re: Warhammer Newbie; First Army idea Really? The army book doesn't give any limitations besides "caster," though I dunno if that was changed in...
Wow, you have some beautiful work. Love your color scheme as well; it reminds me a bit of what I was planning xD And that defense of Itza scene...
Re: Color Schemes Yeah, I can definitely see that. I have experience working with grays in some pixel art that I do off and on, and it is...
Re: Color Schemes Yeah I see what you mean... but I just like the color grey in contrast to other, brighter colors and I thought it would look...
So, yeah, there are lots of blue lizardmen and green Cold Ones (not that there is anything wrong with that). To make my army look unique, I'm...
Re: Warhammer Newbie; First Army idea Yeah, haha. I think I mostly understand BSBs, though I think it will be a little bit clearer once I...
Re: Warhammer Newbie; First Army idea Alrighty, thanks for the tips. I really liked the idea of the Horned one, but to be honest I totally...
As the topic title states, I have just recently discovered Warhammer and I am overwhelmed with its awesomeness and wish i had discovered it...