The battle force is a really good start. later add a Slann Mage-Priest and some Salamanders and you have yourself a nice army :) Welcome to the...
Hmm he was an actual Master.. have to look in to that
Yeah my army is expanding, gonna get my self 2 sallies and a slann, some more skinks and kroxes :)
I played a really interesting game against Dark Elfs the other day. Thought I should give a report about it. I have no pictures but hope it works...
You are very welcome Sladie! and welcome back to fantasy.
Re: The army of Tsunami (TG painting guide/blog 4/11) Waiting entusiasticly for more steps! looks nice so far. 3 at once? :O
Its fine, I've found some nice 360degrees pics of a slann.. donät really know about the palanquin thou.. would love some nice pics of just the...
I think it's a great way to "tailor" your units more, make them more personal. I've heard something about 2fillers/10models, so 4 fillers in 20man...
Gonna go with a warbeast, a green sculpted Gore Horse, i think. really the only thing I can fit in this category. Just have to finnish the sculpt :)
technically its two different medias, one is based on acrylic (the new wash) and the other on ink (the inks) ink is an organic media. the...
think I'll try with fimo and see what happens, gonna do details in gs anyway, so some shrinkage will be OK.
Sounds interesting Strewart. Go for it!
:O sounds amazing! Do you do anything spec to keep it from shrinking? you just turn my day around after a horrible loss against dark elfs.
Yay a painting competition! Gonna see what I have to paint, hope I find something big!
Ah now when theres a Swedish page to order it from it became more tempting :) especially when my mother orders from that page at her work (works...
3. I think the reason why ppl use these 10-12skink units are because they are cheaper then skirmishers and they already have the javelin (always...
Sounds great! links would be awesome. Anyone with some inside tips of FIMO-clay? tried it anyone?
core of aluminum foil, that was smart :) I was planning to use a marble or something, but foil sound better!
Thnx for the tips, yeah GS is a bit sticky, maybe I'll sculpt it in some other media. I've heard some ppl like to sculpt in FIMO-clay, any input...
I have set my mind on sculpting my own slann! Since i don't really like the pose on the original slann, and its quite expensive, and my pockets...