I like the pollen idea better than a venom spit attack that only targets a single model and does D3 multi-wound at BS3. Geez GW could have made it...
Re: Leaving out Temple Guards: a viable choice or a bad idea Imho nothing wrong with a little skink cohort bunker either. 10 - 20 with or without...
I agree with both sides of the coin. CoC is still expensive for what they do imho, the 2nd cold one attack added was lazy design to try and...
As many posters above have stated: NO! Not because Slann and sallies etc got nerfed. More about missed oppertunities as mentioned before. Our 2...
Imho its not that a knight bus cannot work...It can, but a frenzied unit requires more babysitting, when that 500point unit reaches the end of the...
A difficult choice since I have found the parry save has saved me a goodly amount of models in cc already. A steg with eotg can die very quickly...
Still waiting for my armybook....hopecully tomorrow at supplier. Dods our swarms have unstable special rule? Or is it a BRB rule for swarms?
I agree with above poster and also IMHO our special slot is more crowded in the new book, personally I would go ancient most times. multiple stegs...
Fiery convocation... Agreed with Spiney and remember the movement boost too of HoG... But yes swap out for other spells with attribute, I am not...
Re: Caneghem's Review of the New Lizardmen! Update: Heroes a Interesting that it comes down to the wire for some rules interpretations... I see...
Re: Caneghem's Review of the New Lizardmen! Thanks for the replies, call me old fashioned but I will stick to HW for now. No eotg dependance...
Re: Caneghem's Review of the New Lizardmen! Thank you Caneghem! Great write-up. If I may ask please to cover the RAW for spears on saurus warrs...
Re: Slann and the new magic, having your cake and eating it I do not have my book yet, probably only getting it end of next week...late order by...
Good protection for skink priests?:) maybe even give some viability to skink bsb if they can still do BSB on skink chief...This will take getting...
I suppose a lot of these rumors may be wrong?;) But there are some serious issues that have been confirmed as well, like skink Ld5... Firstly I...
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 29/07] Haha I can see it already...along with the reversing truck sound peep...peep...peep lol
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 29/07] Anyone got any feedback on Carny upgrades? Except for the names? I heard some say the...
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 27/07] Rather dissapointed with Carnosaurs statline...still T5:( The upgrades better do some...
I agree that with your example of the saurus vs WL, but as Stormtruper pointed out I see other possible uses as well. I like anything that swings...
I think the lore of High magic by its composition synergizes well with LM. And the spells are in general rather cheap to cast as well :D Drain...