So this happen today..... [ATTACH] A SC box, Slann , Bastiladon, starpriest.... [ATTACH] Left over sprue from said SC box, Bastiladon, skinks...
quick question if you could get your hand on the old Battletome for 10$ CAN would you?!! Is it worth it as far as painting scheme ideal etc... I...
One as to wonder if converting weapon on the necrons would be easier then filling up the Mortek guard with green stuff?!? As they have more look a...
Must of type faster!! Lol
Look at Necrons they are pretty close as well
Push it even more and build liliana from tzaangor chaman !! If you wanna stay within I’d said go with the kairic acolytes with either squeleton...
Sick trailer!! The only problem I see is finding the piece you’ll need .... look at a chimera your not far from bolas with that model I would...
Thx it sure is a big learning curve, I thinking I may try to paint models on a smaller base and paint the base separate on the next one that’s not...
I was going to say that’s a day early!!! Lol Well I manage to finish my first warband in January aka the iron golems so Check our here....
Alright folks, made it here’s my first warband painted, tabletop quality for now they’ll have to win some battle to gain more attention!! Can’t...
Well we kinda already have ours aka Saurian El dreador, with a rework of the rule he could do the job I would think anyway perhaps that why...
hey guys, Just got man hand and left over sprue from the battle of from last year with the starclaw strikehost warscroll battalion... now with...
I wonder how many time the delay for new stuff is cause by the envy metal team not finishing the paint job on the miniatures ? Which is probably...
Can anyone guess what I got my hands on?!? (I know I know I’m not suppose to buy anything I already got to many to paint but oh well) [ATTACH]
And not even a month as come by !!!
I’m fairly new to the hobby but honestly stripping isn’t that bad, it is time consuming but not too hard to do depends a lot on the model if...
I would start by rebasing and wait for the new Battletome, useless I would say to try anything before as you’ll have to relearn everything!! As...
So guys/gals, It’s been a week I couldn’t wait any longer and I voted lol By the looks of it, I believe a few saurus and skink will go for a...
Well today I was trying to do mold with blue stuff... that been said I learn today less is more lol I put way too much milliput in the mold and...