Found this on IFLS today; Amazing!
Another musician here - been playing guitar & bass for about 15 years or so... Mostly progressive metal / heavy metal / extreme metal! (theres a...
Couple of issues with the list... Firstly giving the great weapon to the saurus old blood is pointless as you've also given him a magic weapon,...
At the end of next month we are having a 5 player game using the above mentioned rules - I've never tried this before, but we are all supposed to...
Been very interesting reading these comments... Definitely some tactics to think about when facing either army - I feel that you guys have at...
The other advantage I've just thought of is that each priest can be given one of the more useful arcane items, cube of darkness, dispel scroll,...
I've been thinking where I'd like to take my lizardman army in the future - as some of you know I'm in an escalation league where we are building...
Its just occured to me that if you were to play using hardly any units (say min 3 units, min 25% core) and just characters and then you rolled for...
Our gaming group is having a huge discussion about this FAQ on FB at the moment. General concensus is its a money making scheme by GW (no...
This is really interesting reading all of this. I'm sort of torn between what to do... I might just get one of each and try running them both for...
Cheers mate - I'm going to try and build half a dozen of these next month as part of my army expansion... Will stick photos up as I do them! :-)
Thanks Scalenex. What sort of unit sizes do you tend to run with, and do you find extra handlers are worth it? I suppose having the extra skink...
Interesting opinions - thanks! What about running both units? Looking carefully at the rules I do actually like the look of both units - what...
Those look great kblock. Are they both 'normal' skinks that you've converted? I might try something similar as I'd like to run another skink...
They look fantastic! I might have to copy some of your ideas in that photo :-D Did you let the green stuff 'set' before attaching it in place to...
I love the look of that cold one unit with all the old bloods and scar vets - I'm planning on running something similar when I get to those sorts...
Which ones (if any) do you prefer, and why? I'm looking at the next units I'll be painting for the escalation league I'm involved in - already...
I've played against WE's with my HE's - it was a pretty boring match up as well - but I could get into combat much quicker and fire back at decent...
Here's mine:
That's brilliant! I'll have to find some photos of them... I'm not going to do that - but I love the concept behind it.