Wow - some great info in there! Thanks guys. I suppose part of the appeal of warhammer is all the varying armies that are out there, and needing...
Thanks! That's all very useful knowledge. My friend plays Dark Elves and Dwarves, and has very large contingents of both - I think he picked a...
Ahh, good point...... Maybe I'll just stick to getting a frog on a floating rock :-D
Yeh, I agree... The main reason I don't play 40k is because its all 'dakka dakka' - stand back while we shoot at each other sort of stuff....
Thanks! Some of those conversions are fantastic... Definitely cheaper converting normal skinks than buying chameleons.... GW must think we are...
In the LM army I'd building I want to run 20 chameleon skinks in two units of 10, but I really don't want to pay GW prices for them as it would...
You are right, they are pretty 'plain' - but they do contrast quite nicely with the Saurus's I've painted - as they are much darker. I'm going to...
Thanks for those opinions! I have to say - as a totally friendly game between mates I was a little bit pissed off with his army selection (a bolt...
What units / tactics should I be using to effectively deal with warmachines and gunline armies? I got absolutely anhiliated on the weekend...
Finished 12 strong Skink Skirmisher unit; [attach]
Oh yeh! I hadn't noticed them (I'm new to the LM army). They should provide a useful harasment/warmachine hunting unit :-D
Were these fast cav? I have to say (as a HE player) I do feel that the one thing lizards are missing is a decent cavelry option. Cold one riders...
Thanks! I haven't painted enough skinks for it to be a bunker yet ;-) But I plan on painting up at least 30 with javellin and shields, that way...
Some updates from the last few days. A skink priest and 6 skink skirmishers - lots more skirmisher skinks to come in the following weeks!...
I'm not in that league - but it is quite a popular concept amongst gaming clubs. We are focused on painting quality and a slow build up rather...
I'm curious - whats your favourite lizardman unit and why? It can be for tactical reasons, painting reasons, asthetics, fluff, or whatever else!...
Thanks for the reply :-) I'll probably end up getting another battalion box and a slann mage-priest when the time comes (after I've run out of...
Thank-you! I did consider doing them green, but I was worried they'd look a bit more like orcs & goblins ;-) I enjoyed painting the head fin -...
Thank-you! Yeh, I did consider doing their weapons 'properly' - I know in the fluff they have obsidian weapons, but in the end I decided to mix...
Hello all - I've just started putting together a lizard army for an escalation league that my gaming club is running. There are 12 of us...