as along time lizardment player and assuming you want to play 2000-2500 points which is astandard game size i would proberly get a scar veteran...
sorry it was not an actuall question just a musing in type(proberly a french thing) in response to the salamander picture , the fact that they...
just seen this wandering through the fluff section its awsome i like the spawning of ralph where did u think that up
not really unless PF rule says thats supporting attacks don't get the ability then it applys to all models with the PF rule which includes sarus...
the rule about only 1 supporting attack is in the main rule book which also states thats if a rule in an army book would change a rule in the main...
thank you for all of you who worked to keep the site
EPIC i wish for a casket of the old ones (proberly needing a more lizzard sounding name though) i really like the sydney ophera house basiladon
Assuming you wnat an ark of sotek surely you only need to buy just 1 base of jungle swarms inorder to start them ticking over even 2 one off bases...
at least the temple guard are cheaper making that compulsary unit less expensive its a shame thats there is no lord level skink though
it seems both of our new monsters are not as good as our current stegadon which they have made cheaper this makes me both sad and happy at the...
i wiuld be interested in both sets of dice
bob you have an aptitude for this maybe assuming the forum stays open we can get you doing some kinds of lizardmenrelated comic (bob and freinds...
look at 8th edition magic though 70% of it is buff or hex thats abig big part of the way magic plays now its not like 6th edition etc where...
i see alot of complainging about the bastiladon only giving +1 int and that means our sarus still rubbish but remember we now get hand of glory...
thats a shame they look really nice
cold blooded is staying its on the white dwarf pages
sorry late to the party im interested in getting involved in this im in the uk though so may cause issues. i also read that previously custom dice...
the previous itteration used to say sarus had 2 attacks but one was abite attack at users strength which applyed only if the model was in base to...
we all complaining about the core choices if we have heard swarms are going to special (not that they have ever been used ) is it not possible...
yeah charm of the jaguar venom of the firefly and glyph necklace lets go canon hunting :) i also miss mark of the old ones on my skink who held...