im just going to hope that they didn't show in the battle report to allow them to have the maximum amount of new models etc
the 1 A sarus i think is actually much more of an issue for our temple guard it would make our "elite troop" type rubbish i cant see them doing that
that seams alittle broken while nice
Re: What size of sleeve will fit a Warhammer Battle Magic Ca i use these...
im interested in the amount in £
The white dwarf will be in shops on saturday i have already spoken to my gw local and as he is alizzy player as well we are gonna look through it...
the scar vet on carnosaur might even be carno cav?
thanks i will take alook at those tonight
Re: how do you all deal with the inadequacies of temple guar thats because we all know bad news sells and this is a war game if it was allways...
raise it on the warhammer main forum there will be an faq telling us it doesn't in a few days
having become a fan of the carnosaur recently if you expect your opponent to be playing a moster heavy or ogres the carnosaur is amazing we can...
Re: how do you all deal with the inadequacies of temple guar i run a 23 strong temple guard unit ive found taking light and getting the -1 to hit...
game won got a little lucky the carnosaur had a baby steg for breakfast, slann for lunch and an engine of the gods for dinner but i rolled pretty...
im hoping the engine of the gods will clear the skink skirmishers and then ram 2-3 stegs at the unit of sarus he puts his slann in the jav sheild...
today im playing another lizardment player in a steg smash fest 3 per side i know hes taking a slann so im taking this list Old blood...
slightly odd request but does any 1 know where i could pick up 20 sarus sheilds seperatly to replace aload i seem to have misplaced
while this would be nice you have to admit sarus with gw would be a tad broken
odd question but i cant seem to find a ruling either way 1 does a stegadon taken as a mount count to wards rare or special choices 2 could you...
i used the lore of light there is abattle report in that area of the forum, yeah i know about thunderstomp on them. the comp scores are annoying...
yeah that stomp went on the templguard but he rolled a 1 so only 1 died i assume thats from the latest FaQ that would have been more useful not...