Probably because all they care about is money and they have no inherent position other than "whatever is going to get me the most money." Feels...
Up to 25% lords, 25% heroes, up to 50% special, up to 25% rare min 25% core or something like that. I don't remember 5th Ed but wfb was like that...
I mean that's basically the same idea, no? Each of those things has a percentage limit or minimum of your overall points you had to meet.
This is basically how fantasy did list construction without the unique limitations for each subfaction.
Very well said.
I can certainly try! I think damage is one of the parts of this game thats easily easily calculable and thus often becomes the end all be all...
Debatable. Underwhelming, pretty much by definition, means something doesnt perform the way you expect it to. A generalist is only ever...
I don't think its job is that unique, I just think it's such an efficient profile I often find myself getting his points back, swingy damage or...
It's definitely a swingy unit, no argument from me there. I find if i'm getting him into combats i usually have a few buffs on him (minimum great...
Agreed. That weapon is clearly a more specialized weapon. However, i'm merely looking at this like 16% is a big deal, while others seem to be...
I think it would unbalance the army towards skinks even more. Exploding 6's and +1 wound would be a savage upgrade. I think Saurus can...
I think we just have to be careful about what we mean when we say "competitive." That's a very narrow window on what makes or does not make a unit...
It's a low rend attack that hits better against low wound models. I'm not sure what about its kit makes you think it should be fighting monsters....
I think giving it rend 2 would naturally bump the cost a little bit, but I think those changes would easily pivot it to a more "elite killer" role...
Is he? His 'pinned down' rule IMO makes him pretty clearly a horde killing monster. His multiple 5 damage rend 1 attacks I think further...
How come? Other armies exist that have that playstyle already. We do have centerpiece units, just different kinds. An army can't have access to...
Should every monster be a 400 point elite killing machine? I just don't want seraphon to become something it isn't. 400 point monsters...
Sure, but that's a completely different unit with a completely different point cost don't you think? I like the idea of having jaws at rend 2. I...
2 attacks at 4's and 4's does more damage against every save than 1 attack at 4's 4's with 1 rend outside of a 2+ and then its even. 4 attacks at...
+1 attack is almost always going to be more damage, even against higher save units.