Another 3 tournament wins for seraphon this weekend (Bloodshed in the Shire, London GT and the Lone Star GT) Gavin went 5-0 with squigs and...
Definitely hear what you're saying, I'm just not sure what the future looks like. The first few books of 1.0 and 2.0 aos are way different then...
Gw fucks up new releases far too often for me to attribute any of this stuff to true malice when incompetence addresses everything so well.
Do they tho? Stormcast dragons are universally criticized for being an overly bloated warscroll. Why are they the baseline for comparison? And...
unless you wipe them out with your 3 attacks per model ;)
If you plan on buffing up your 30 skinks with his CA and getting them stuck in combat, then yes i think the melee option will be better. I run...
Depends if you're bringing a Skink chief or not.
Awesome, cant' wait to read them!
Honest question, but doesn't consuming that much content, driven by your own admission an "angry" rhetoric, just kinda bum you out? Maybe it's...
If that's the case, then i'd personally run curse. Maybe swap your slann spell for celestial apotheosis if you don't want to totally miss out on...
Sorry I didn't see before you added thr astro cause you really liked your miniature. If that's the case I'd rock him, I just don't think the range...
I think the boost the basti gets from Thunder Lizard is pretty hard to ignore but it can slot into other lists just fine. I would just expect to...
Definitely wasn't thinking that when you first mentioned it, so appreciate the clarification! I largely agree, although I think like most things...
Great write up! As soon as your opponent didn't even tag objectives top of 1 I had a feeling this was going to be a good game for seraphon and was...
Personally, I think that's a symptom of the larger problem. Unleash hell is only problematic because of the reasons i listed. The change to 6''...
IMO, swap steggy for engine and dump the astro for a unit of chamos. Engines are probably the second or third best unit in the book, sooooo good....
i'm a few weeks removed from LVO now and have had some time to collect my thoughts. As the culmination of the first 3.0 competitive "season" I...
Hopefully the end result sticks the landing. It has happened before......
Normal move, run, or retreat* redeploying after a unit (like zombies) moves away from you thinking they can just pile back into combat is hilarious.
It depends what your list is. Generally, coalesced lists (at least ones that aren't all stegs) have the flexibility in their threat ranges and...