Oh right, somehow I thought it was only the Transformation of Kadon the Slann couldn't do. Would be great if it turns out the Slann can fly this...
Make it multiple shots, ignore armor saves, and reduce armor by 1 for the remainder of the game and you might have my attention. Think of it as a...
You know what's funny, is that the new standard arcane item is going to be the channeling staff instead of cupped hands... the item is exactly 30...
At extremely high levels of tournament play, say the ETC, players try to keep risks to an absolute minimum. You can't afford to let your team...
If that 5+ PF boost were instead a bubble effect that took place EVERY round, or if it remained one use only and went to 4+ or even 3+, then I...
Only trouble is, many armies don't care a bit about psychology and also most times you'll run into enemy monsters and/or fear causers on the...
Hmm, channeling staff as the default may just be our addiction to extra power dice, maybe people will come to eventually live with having a less...
Re: Slann and the new magic, having your cake and eating it +1 to this. Some people are thinking you only ever want to bring as many spells as...
In close combat, instead of taking a break test, Unstable characters/units lose one wound for every point by which they lose combat. So say for...
Yeah, I think two beast skink priest caddies are going to be the standard. Wyssan's is just too good to pass up, ask any Beastman generals, that...
It is as we feared then... With only one shot, it is not really worth anything. Does it even count as a poisoned shot? Also consider an ancient...
I know, spears are now the way to go it seems. ALL of my saurus have HW+SH. I guess you only need >50% holding spears, so not all the old models...
After thinking on it, I think I'd pick Death and just laugh maniacally the whole time. Imagine an ancient steg with Wyssan's, str7 T7 with impact...
Now imagine you are usually going to be channeling an extra dispel die as well, you can take the discipline to have the Slann squirrel away a...
If the EotG wardsave stacks... imagine this hilarity. 2 EotG with skink priests, 2 EotG in rare. In core, you have a giant horde of spear...
With prior planning it is also avoidable. You just need to keep your Beast skink priest caddies near the unit of saurus they are going to buff...