thx Does the blot toad jump over to a new unit if the old unit dies? Because its written that it remains throughout the battle.
1. What armor save do the Ripperdactyls use? 2. In close combat do I use the Ripperdactyls thougness or the skinks? 3. Do they have any bonuses in...
You have to allways choose the best ward save so you do not get parry if you have a wards save that is better or equal but you can chose...
I like taking a saurus oldblood with sacred stegadon helmet and talisman of preservation and GW strenght 7 thougness 6 dont forget impact hits :D....
If you want to know something just ask and I will answer what I can If you want to see my converts and and other stuff
Warning not the best pictures because of the camera :D Scar-vet/old blood over sized GW on old model carnosaur [attach] [attach] [attach] I...
Of course I know that you dont get rank bonuses but its a good fast unit running in to the flanks or if you stand in a marshland or river you can...
2 skink are standing on 2 bases its a kind of unit filler. so it is 10 skinks and one kroxigor :D. Thx for the honest reply you 2 :D
more pictures are comming later :D I have to fix some stuff first
I would recommend some chameleon skink against iron blaster and and ancient stegadon with sharpened horns agianst thougness and many wounds
Slann-mage and templeguards with full command [attach] Skink cohort kroxigor and full command [attach] skink cohort and kroxigor [attach]...
Anyone got any tip or links on how to make some marshland bases or river bases. Some picture would also help. I need some inspiration. Something...
Re: MiniJunkie's Lizardmen - Saurus Scar Vet on Carnosaur Nice work
But if the slann mage is a BSB he shouldnt be able to take fencer blade because it is a paired weapon that comes in pair p.173 and the flag...
I was reading a battle report where a person had put both BSB and fencer blade on his slann mage does this really work? It feels like it shouldnt...
I dont think it should be so fun vs dwarfs
Good to know. Thank you
How do you know if a monster gets thunderstomp or just stomp. For example does the bastiladon get thunderstomp or stomp?
But if you take them 5 in a row :D insteed of having ranks