Thank you all! I wasn't expecting such a warm reception ;) It really make me wanna pick up brushes at night and start working on another...
After a loooooooong time not being able to paint anything at home ( i was preoccupied by my work, marriage & stuff) I proudly present my first...
Left and the middle ones. As Bowser mentioned, they'll look better after painting, especially the first one. As for the GW motto, don't forget...
Maybe something similar to Solar Crystal from from Blastiladon, instead of snakes atop the staff. Or some medieval astronomic equipment. Also, you...
Maybe making those 5th "age" saurus as veterans or old-bloods? With extra scars and more jewellery.
With this in line, my own conversion may as well hide in the bush. Supreme idea, especially because Arcanodon model is very hard to acquire.
I like the colors on the Saurus - it would be nice to see a whole pack of those :)
Platform looks amazing. Moss is a nice idea - you may consider also adding some vines on the walls, maybe with colorful flowers here and there....
Welcome welcome, it seems I won't be the only one from the newly spawned. And just as Scalenex mentioned, your avatar is just great.
Thanks everyone, this sure is a warm welcome. I'll dive into fluff forum as soon as I can!
I'd like to try, if there's still time.
A hearty hello for all humble servants of The Old Ones. I googled this forum about 3 months ago, when I was searching for some answers about my...