what technique did you use to carve the tall stone?..
Woogity.. I have sent you a PM about the Krox.. :) i would like to have a set if possible :)
where are the plants from? otherwise very nice job :D
everything apart from the tuffts are Greenstuffed.. :) can try and find a wip on a base.. one moment.. [attach]
Finally Saurus complete :) [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach]
A new update.. i like to start from the buttom up.. heres my Ripperdactyl Bases :) [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] Another 3 will ofc...
Re: Kai'Tzatl, The forgotten Slann Returns (stegadon update) And we have an update for the stegadon.. Sry for the picture quality but couldnt be...
Fuck me its awesome :) I love that banner... :)
Could we get a better picture of the bannerbearer?
Can i get you to post what items he has?.
Only have 1 critique :) the colgate smile :D he is a lizard.. :D he just ate a guy a moment ago.. ;) Other than that.. 100% pure awesomeness.. So...
We need a picture or a link?.
Re: Stegadon Helm and Piranha Blade Looks awesome.. bit revealing to your opponents tho :P but awesome :)
Feel free to write if you want any tips on how to do.. :)
Haha :P Great.. Im guessing you know the Danish forum.. also.. else.. you can purchase Greenstuff at GW in copenhagen.. Aasgaard Games in jylland...
Depends on the country i guess.. in denmark its like 10 Euros for a very good size.. i have used it for all my bases.. and a whole lot more.. and...
Try look at my Thread.. Kai'tzatl.. The forgotten slann returns.. :) Should give you an idea for the temple bases.. everything except my unit...
I love that remark :P But it looks cool tho :PG i hated that very bare forehead of the Stegadon :P and you must admit.. it looks good? :)
I thought we'd continue a bit :) Here you go.. Hope you like my Stegadon Conversion :P couldnt fit 5 crewmembers :P so decided to make one of them...
A little update.. Worked on the unit filler for my Templeguards.. Leg is being painted when Temple guard is ready :) [attach] [attach] I then...