I think the problem is that from a personality perspective... Lizardmen are very boring. They don't have much "grey" area's in their culture on...
They need to be facing the target at the end of your movement phase. They aren't warmachines so they can't pivot during the shooting phase.
Temple of the Serpent wasn't bad, but in all honesty it's more of a Skaven book than a Lizardmen book.
I guess you could just email GWS on this, a buddy has been emailing their rules department about some of our questions. I would honestly just...
For the purpose of casting though the Slaan floats above the TG so wouldn't he be able to shoot over his units? Since large target rules allow for...
Dropping the Scar Vet is an idea I may play with. Salamanders were good but since I've been playing at 2K they just seem to have lost their...
Have you done measurements to ensure you are getting more attacks? Unless running Horde (10 wide) I always assumed 5 wide was better with a deeper...