Fair enough... if the TG bunker with the Slann break, flee, what have you, the Slann being the BSB and auto dying is the least of my concerns.
Yeah... but honestly if you're at the point where your TG bunker loses combat with the Slann/BSB you've already lost the game. Putting the BSB on...
I'm starting to lean that way too. The only thing though is Saurus are Core so I still would rather take half the points of that TG unit and add...
I already run a Kroak list and I don't see the need for a Troglodon. Skink Priest with Cloak of Feathers will be in position in turn 1. You COULD...
I play defensive with my Kroak TG/Saurus blocks but offensive with everything else. I run Flamers, Rippers, and Skirmishers and my goal is for all...
I also want to add my buddy is getting his son involved by using Lego's and doing Warhammer "light" rules so he learns the basic strategy. I'm...
I like to have someone who's played before sit on the side of the new player and have them play someone else who is aware it's a newbie game. The...
I think they are better at lower points games. The higher up in points the more spread out your opponent so it's harder to get a good scout...
BSB can't take magic items unless it's a Slann. pg 89
Re: Does anyone think giving a Skink Cohort poison is worth The problem is with a horde Skrox unit you're not getting very many supporting...
That's the risk you take with a Carno General. Honestly with a dispel scroll and cube you'll do alright. Ignore turn 1 magic phase and dispel turn...
Lord Kroak is a fine general if you play him right. I'd throw in 1 more Skink Priest and have him roll around with the Skinks to cast through....
Lord: Lord Kroak Heroes: Skink Priest w/ Dispel Scroll, Lore of Beasts Skink Priest w/ Cloak of Feathers, Lore of Heavens Tetto’eko Skink Chief...
Well... it depends. I personally play that Kroak's spell can't hit anything in CC since it doesn't specifically say it can. Now I would love for...
Question on Horde with Skrox... since it's a mixed unit how wide would we need to go for a 2nd row of Krox to get to attack, and is that even...
I agree with Frosk for the most part. I think a Slann is alot of points below 2K but I also think our army suffers without one. I don't have a...
I'm still trying to get the Skroxigor to work. I think the only viable way to take them in the future will be with poison in Horde. The Kroxigor...
I run a Lord Kroak list I've dubbed my "Skink Bomb" list. First off you don't have a BSB. Lord Kroak can't be your BSB so you'll need to outfit...
For the most part I think a LM list requires a Slann. Most of our units need some sort of buff otherwise they are mediocre compared to other units...