Honestly I don't know if the book did it for me. I think we are still sort of pigeon holed into a specific build with very little variation. Just...
Pretty much the only reason to take the Champ, challenge fodder.
Pg 60. "gains the Ethereal special rule until the end of the phase" You do not get it until the next magic phase.
Re: Does anyone think giving a Skink Cohort poison is worth I'm looking at a Skorx unit opposite of what I use to. It use to be the Skinks were...
You can't ALWAYS make a Stand and Shoot reaction. If the enemy is within their movement range you don't get your stand and shoot, pg 17.
You can't use the Shield on the Scar Vet in CC if it has a Halbred. Also not sure if the Saurus will do much with such a small number.
For the Terradon and Ripper it's the rider, the stegadon is the mount because of the special rule 'Howdah Crew'. pg 45 LM book
I ran a similiar list and it does lack CC punch. You need to be sure to widdle down your opponent prior to him hitting any of your blocks. Once...
I like the idea of adding Salamanders to this list, I think it fits and adds that punch I need. I'm also considering dropping the Terradons for...
Army lists on the bottom. Turn 1: Lizardmen - Tetto'eko gets 1 Vanguard unit which I give to the Skink Priest with the cloak of feathers. The 4...
People just preping for a weekend of gaming. :)
It's base contact with him or the unit he's in, so it's fine that he is in the 2nd rank. I just think the Channeling staff is the best item for...
I wasn't originally considering him in any of my lists... but the more I think about it the more I can't see why you wouldn't take him unless you...
Re: Questions on Lizardmen Before Choosing First Fantasy Arm While you CAN take a monster mash list I don't think it's the only way to play the...
The reason I'm taking the Skink Cohorts over the Saurus is Tetto'eko gets to chill in their 2nd rank. I'm not sure he is the best choice for this...
Checked some online sources, looks like I was right. You don't get the shield save in CC with a Halbred, you do at ranged though....
I lost my BRB a few months back and my new one doesn't come in the mail until Monday. I thought the Halbred was a 2H weapon so you couldn't use...
I've always played with TG that you don't get the armor save in CC. I would love to find out I'm wrong.
Just noticed one more thing... again don't have my book on me. I'm not sure you can take the Enchanted Shield and Dragonhelm together since they...
Lord/General Lord Kroak Heroes Skink Priest, Dispel Scroll, Lore of Beasts Skink Priest, Cube of Darkness, Lore of Beasts Skink Priest, Cloak of...