I don't have my BRB on me atm but I'm pretty sure you can't take a second HW with a shield. I THINK you can take it with the Halbred, since the TG...
It becomes useless when we have other models that fill it's roll for less. I can't think of a situation where I would bring it other than to...
That's where I agree 100%. Is it a terrible unit? No. It just isn't worth it's current points.
It's not so much that the Troglodon is bad... there are just other units in our book that fill it's potential role better. Most people are going...
It's not bad. I think the Skink Chief is probably not going to do much for you though. What Lore are you planning on taking with your Priest?
Magic Phase: I would lead with the Bastildon's ability. This should draw out some dispel dice and enable your Priests to case. Priest are not very...
I'm running the EoTG this weekend. I was gonna run an Ancient anyways but I figured for 50 points I get a 6+ ward save for everything near it....
This. I'm playing a game against my VC buddy this weekend and I'm running a "standard" list. I'm gonna try out Kroak after we get one or two games...
Overall your list looks good. I'd just add Harmonic Convergence, Channeling Staff to the Slann. You get 3 dice to channel on a 5+ with that combo.
I think Kroak plus kamakzie Priests is a viable list, you just need to figure out what to do when the priest dies or you get dispelled because...
I agree Oxy probably isn't worth it but Chamos are really good units. At 1000 points your opponent wont be able to spread out enough so they will...
Honestly it's not a bad list but it seems built around the one strat of fly in the Priest and blast stuff with Lord Kroak. What will you do when...
This was discussed a bit in the rules section. Basically the Skink is only going to get a 5+. I don't think I'd ever put a Chief or Priest on one...
Here is my first list with the new book. (I lost my BRB in transit back from deployment so if there is something illegal let me know. I ordered a...
Just says "the entire unit may take spears...... free" I lost my BRB... actually about to go order one, but I thought you had the choice of what...
Yeah I've noticed that. It still remains to be seen if the EoG is worth it though. It's a very expensive model and if you're only taking it for...
IIRC you can have them both, you just have to choose which to use at the beginning of combat. That should probably be FAQ'd to say "replace hand...
Hmmm... Honestly there is no point to mount a Skink Chief or Priest on a Steg unless it gets the Howdah Crew rules. They will just die to easy.
See I've been going over the rules and I'm pretty sure it is counted as part of the model. Look under Howdah Weapons. the character is only hit...
Overall I like your list, just my preference but I'd swap out the power scroll for a dispel scroll.