If you're worried about all out defence, there is always roar which just denies it. Besides, we have several layers of buffs we can stack with...
If you want your oldblood to hit hard enough to knock a maw krusha's teeth out, you take the blade of realities. its rock solid all around
Damn metal models also get warped? Fingers crossed then also good to know on the clear coat, i should have enough of it to cover the carno when...
A quick score online landed me some stuff, and notably a vintage metal carnosaur (poggers). However this comes with a problem, I've never painted...
i can make one if your interested O.O edit: [ATTACH]
seems like being an adult kinda sucks [IMG]
what buffs would you be running on the steg chief to out damage a carno?
Rules: woodchips are lava @Sudsinabucket I start the battle by attempting to push you into the slide, how dost thou respond?
we need to start a playground warfare thread, this is too good
alright then :D 2k points tts, teachers parking lot
Carnosaurs all the way, have more versatility than the steg. While it might lack the mortal wounds offered, the carnosaur makes up in a few ways,...
*sniffs* hmmm. You need more carnosaurs, 3 might do the trick ;)
you mean 66 million years ;) ?
In an effort to clean up the pile of shame, I made two very bloody models, world eaters dreadnought and terrorgheist [ATTACH][ATTACH]
That explains it, seraphon should not be used flat without any amount of support. Atleast consider it with command abilities and buffs you...