from the most recent warhammer community post...
While some might say that saurus are inferior to skinks, they can still inflict a lot of hurt. Usually you either want to run them in dracothions...
Skeletons with only one weapon? Idk if that profile is really a buff or nerf. While it is objectively better on the hit and wound, losing 2 inch...
given that we can regularly get an easy +2 to cast, we can likely expect this to go up to potentially a +3. I could just be spit balling, but...
[IMG] another sto, i mean, BORROWED meme
to be fair, nagash is just a discount settra
[IMG] okay hear me out-
Urk follows the party, driven curious and willing to put himself in harms way out of curiousity
Bang looked around, he knew he couldn't swim well and also had an ambitious project Waddling up toIzema and the others he stated "I think im going...
Carnosaurs are cool, that we can all agree on. But what makes them tick? What makes a lustrian carnosaur different from say a Koatl's Claw...
On the subject of Kroak, since we're expecting a broken realms expansion on him, what should we expect/hope for with his installation? personally...
what is this? seraphon being well represented and playing a key part in the lore?? honestly if this is the case im really excited to look at the...
damn warhammer community really knows how to channel the hype. Hopefully Kroak will smack some daemons in the new book
[ATTACH] hmm cordyceps, seems familiar, almost like ingesting it does horrible things to insects [IMG]
dont you dare put that idea out there. please no im begging you