overall solid list, although i personally feel like it would be better served in koatls claw just due to the more consistent jaw attacks and flat...
free for all looks more and more tempting each day [IMG] i forgot this outcome [IMG]
hello clarice
We need a carnosaur egg to celebrate easter imho brb imma get the greenstuff
slaanesh cultist: speaks Every berzerker in the solar system:
Craftworlds? What is a craft world?
no less than the dream team
is that.. mr rogers and steve irwin?!
ten haunting photos taken moments before disaster [IMG] the guy coming in the tunnel is in a bit of a pickle
nah carnosaurs are healthy, without carnosaurs the world would have ended. dew it. get the carnosaur
this has me scratching my head. it's obvious it should be sanitizer, however the fact that fertilizer is so significantly different makes me...
huzzah, a man of quality!
Throughout time, about 2 people have asked this question; "What is the best monster in AoS?" The answer might surprise some, but the answer...
Hmmm this looks like a good way to create a new carnosaur "really big carnosaur" yesss