this may be the one conspiracy i could buy into
ahh aun'va is quite a mixed bag. he has some very good benefits and is 100% worth taking in a t'au sept list. Another thing to pick up would be...
in light of my most recent match with a certain khorne lover, this meme felt appropriate [IMG]
[IMG] double post but i couldnt resist this meme
ohh hamemrheads? fun choice but not the most competitive as you said, no durability. honestly as awesome as they are, there is nothing they offer...
im game, but i cant promise i will divulge all the secrets [SPOILER]
this is easy 1. gonk droid, that dude hard carried the series 2. mouse droid, another classic fan favorite 3.in the line of droids, i have to put...
me running a melee a t'au melee list [ATTACH]
Good to see nids have gotten some support, they really need it as their range is pretty ancient
stupid flanders... [IMG]
wait teachers have names? and houses?
damn maybe there is some good stuff on tick tock
While it isn't bad, there is some room for improvement if you want to stay in koatl's . first off, keep the 20 saurus knights but break them into...
something feels a bit off, this should fix it [ATTACH]
while awesome, it would certainly be better serviced by a carnosaur
just got around to watching this, seems that kroak will be a boon in this matchup. definitely worth a try when i can get a match in store the...
So we just finished up and while it is fresh in my brain i'll write out the report. the game was homebrew dark mechanicus vs t'au with some...
meet my agent in the back alley on a rainy night, he should smell bad, wears a trench coat, and quite obviously be a gremlin. he'll have the funds