News about the upcoming High Elves book, with some photos of the new models (ice and fire phoenix, flying chariot with a RBT onboard...) Looks...
YMCA! Great post, as always!
Thanks. Sure took me long enough to finally finish it! Now I can can get back to some sculpting projects that have been pushed to the edges of...
All this time I thought the Lizardmen observed Passover...
All your answers will be found here:
Looks like that army will be a pain in the ass to play against! Please come back and give us some battle reports when the tournament is over!...
FYI, these alternative models are still available from Chapterhouse Studios:...
So here are the rest of the photos that I took of the Baby Steg Elf-Crusher, with the skink Chief and his War Spear: [attach] Viewed from the...
Hey guys, I've been finishing up my baby steg conversion and finally had a chance to take some photos for you all to see. Pretty happy with the...
Great battle report, congrats on your well earned victory!
Going to give this a try!
The consistency of greenstuff is far more like chewing gum than playdough. And that includes it being sticky. Lubricate your tools with...
Thanks. I assume that there is a ruling that cannons are not "shooting" for purposes of the Shield of Ptolos? Also, just wondering why it seems...
I often think this (too much Facebook!) great stuff Bob!
I'm only familiar with one, what's the other?
I would try feeding them skinks and hitting them with Krox. Eliminate one of the saurus units (dump the spears) and try 2 units of skrox in 24+3...
Just because I love rolling a lot of dice, and don't fancy cannon balls, try running the OB with CoC like this: Cold One Extra hand weapon...