My understanding is that it did work (was successfully tested), but the tank itself had to be a light one that would not have held up against the...
Well, at first I considered sculpting an actual carrot, but I think that might be 'hitting you over the head' with the concept, and not all that...
I can't help but think of the famous WWII Russian flying tank - :)
It's as if you have a hidden camera in my house! Amazing! :D
No painting done, but I've managed to squeeze a little time into working on my Salamander herders and I thought you guys might want to have a...
Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Some terrain and lizards (and On I'd need to see it placed on the body both with and without frill, side by side, to...
Welcome and thanks for decloaking!
Should I mention that my name has nothing to do with being a great thinker (which I am surely not), but is rather a play on the word "tinker" ?...
Re: Spawning of Bob: History's Least Successful Skaven Invas O.k., you asked for it! [attach]
Good one! :p
Re: The Hatching of the Spawning of Bob (contains expletives LOL! I know that feeling all too well :)
Ah, thanks. I guess I didn't study that bit of artwork before very closely. Interesting. It appears to have two tails and very long fangs. I...
Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Need advice page 5 please!) Excellent! You can have both GW and WB send you C&D letters, and that way they cancel...
High Elves nerfed in magic pretty significantly? Do tell. From what I know (or think I know) the new High Magic spells are very, very good. And...
Smoking warpstone, no doubt...
Hang ten! That Skink Chief must have an excellent sense of balance! Nice transition coloring on the sword. Very unique.
Under the Warhammer Annual rules, it allowed you to move D6 pieces of terrain a d6" after deployment but before the start of the game. I think...
Great thread, thanks for looking that up. The Ral Partha Feathered Serpent is as big as any GW dragon, and looking at the photos of the 3D...
I've got that old Ral Partha Winged Serpent still in its box...been in search of a reason to assemble and paint it for years! These were...
Yes, it's true, I do some of my best t'hinkering on the John ;) And the resemblance is uncanny (too far?)