I'm sure most of you have see the changes now imminent for the High Elves, posted on the Hero's Gaming Blog a couple days ago. For those who...
Nice hat ;)
I believe the rumors of your demise are greatly exaggerated. We're too close to stop now.
Re: Greek themed lizardmen Plog (including armies on parade I have the Aztek (or Azcrap, as some people call it). Not a very good one, but it's...
Re: Greek themed lizardmen Plog (including armies on parade Indeed, I am always pleased with the airbrush, even when I'm not. I rarely find it...
OMG, THIS IS PERFECTION! O.k., the 4 needs re-scaling (it's too wide), but you knew that already. I so want to buy this! My hat is off to...
Off to a great start - love the orange!
I love the numerals that you came up with, and you even nailed the "10" - bravo! I would delete the beastie from these number faces - it just...
Re: Next AOW lizardman Yeah, I did something similar with the teeth on my sallie sculpt, but I had to dremel into the head to make a space for...
Love the D3 font you came up with there, which begs the question, might not it be better to use said font for the 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 on the...
Thanks :) I keep wanting to finish this, but I keep getting home after 11pm every night this week exhausted from work...ugh! Hopefully I can get...
That Firedrake is a beautiful model. If you wanted to add a sail, I made one from a sheet styrene plastic, cut to shape with a scissor....
Thanks! That makes two of us :P
Yes, sadly it is generally the later and not the former :( Don't let it stop you. Parody is the great equalizer (and also constitutes...
GW should gather these all up and pay you a massive royalty!
OK, happy Monday everyone :chicken: :) Those of you who've been around awhile may recall that I started a project just before my wedding last...
Just a few more photos of the baby steg's howdah and crew before I move on. These are taken at an angled, overhead view, which is how most people...
I was trying to go with a natural skin tone on this Steg, as my army is painted in fairly bright colors and I felt some contrast was in order....
Thanks newscales, I should have some photos of back-burner projects returning to the fore starting this week.