Finished my first bestigor last night. Pleased with how he came out. Tried a new technique for rust and really like the way it came out....
Im really, sorry but i cant find who recomended this list to me to credit them, but its absolutely killer! I havent lost a single game with it....
Been painting an oldblood tonight! Wanted to try some different colours so here we are. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
hi folks, playing a speed tournament in a month or so so I really wanna get a list sorted to practice with as I want to be sh*t hot on what does...
Great idea! Will give that a go.
I also have started a beasts of chaos army! Going for a firey theme! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I love shadowstrike! You can have a decent competitive 1k list with it. That said, do you have a skink starpriest? As I would totally recommend...
More razordons are and skinks always a good shout also maybe a box or two of ripperdactyls once you have the bits you want. They are great damage...
Slann update: As in a previous post, my slann looked like this: [ATTACH] However, He recently took a dive off the top of a balewind and then...
List look great - makes me want to but a third carno kit! Do you not need to have a sunblood in that list to get the Sunclaw starhost?
All great advice here! Can i ask about formation? How should that big ol blob of 40 saurus be deployed? Rows of 10 in a big rectagle? or some...
This is great advice, especially on saving points! Unforntunately you cant have the scar vet on a fangs of sotek list (And i dont have one!) I...
Hi Folks, Wanting to put together a 2k fangs of sotek list because narrative! Generally I play a skink heavy list but would like to try...
I dont know if this is old news or not, but ill post it here. I have a friend who plays in clubs down in stoke/nottingham way and there are a...
Turn 1, he kicked ass! Comets left right and centre dishing out mortal wounds like they are going out of fashion. However, turn two I made a...
Played this list tonight against flesh eaters and it was VERY fun! Had to proxy the cogs as I dont have one but I totally want to get the magic...
So if you take two slann you get +1 to casting? Or are you refering to the constellation? That will obviously only be the case if you roll a 3-4.
Ouch! Gonna give this a try some time!