While in my local GW, i asked about the battletome update and the guy said that there was nothing wrong with it and it's unlikely to get an...
Curious as to how you play the list
Definately like the look of that list @LizardWizard Just ordered a prismatic palisade off ebay and will give it a go!
I suppose that would mean dropping the artillery for the 150 points. Would it be worth it?
Hi Folks, Looking for some help putting together a 1k Saurus Guard list. When playing competitively, I generally play quite a skink heavy list -...
Thanks mate, the skink shields are just waaarg flesh and some Agrax earthshade. The Saurus shields are Mephiston Red with Ryza rust drybrushed on...
Finished a couple of things this week, a little distraction skink unit and 6 more rippers. Then kicked ass against the new skaven rules! Rippers...
Dino rescue service! It was like it has just been dipped into a can of emulsion!
@Killer Angel It could happen! [IMG]
Thanks! It was totally inspired by him. Love his stuff on insta! I live in North Tyneside (just moves from Gateshead) and there is a shop in...
As the title. I bought one of the made to order Tehenhauin models, painted it and left it on my self! the warscroll seems to has some really great...
And of course, the re-cast new metal units! [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I wanted to try water effects on a base and thought that the Troggie may be a good place to start! I used foam board for the rocks and poundland...
This was my favorite model to paint, and was really adventurous for me. Inspired by some folks on the internet, i present the space dino!...
Ripperdactyls. Again, these were from ebay so they didnt have a blot toad with them, so i found an interesting looking proxy online... [ATTACH]...
Also found a razrodon with a missing leg, so i hacked and greenstuffed a saurus leg onto it. I think it came out nicely! [ATTACH] After [ATTACH]
Another second hand restoration next, Found an old metal skink priest in my local shop. Before... [ATTACH] After [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I wanted my Chameleon Skinks to be a different color to my other skink units so I went with a brown theme for these. I loved painting these...
I found a unit of 20 Saurus Guard in my local second hand shop that were again, really nicely painted. So of course I had to get an eternity...
Another Ebay Bargain. Found an EOTG for just over a tenner but it looked like this.... [ATTACH] After a long soak in Meths again, it started...