Still very dizzy of the Crash with 2 tonnes of pure biomass, Kuoteq'eko answered:"Proba-ba-ba-ly we there where the signs are pointing." And...
When he had to decid in which pasway he would go the inscriptions on the Wall were of Prime Importance. Kuoteq'eko read on one of those the Name...
Kuoteq'eko grined when he saw the obsidian tessera and was very curious on finding out if there is a Chamber Or Not. Kuoteq'eko was so curiuos...
Kuoteq´eko obeyed Izquxs command and gathered all workers andd send them to the excavation.After some time of searcing he found Tik and Xlauax...
After eating a delicious Breakfast from Quas, Kuoteq´eko leads Xlauax to the big chiefs tent.There he gives the gigant Alpha Guardian Quelionxi a...
Kuoteq'eko woke up in the Light of Dusk falling through the Ruins of Kara, where he layed down in the night before.He listened quietly with his...
The exhausted and bythe nightmare scared Kuoteqèko ordered some Skinks who work the hardest to sleepin the hut.He walked with his last energy to a...
While still ignoring the noises of battle and the screams of death,Kuoteq'eko sät on a Stone ,the head of a statue,probably a old one.He inspected...
(I think the brutal scences keep you under a Kind of pressure that you don't wanna fail,so you and your friends don't die.)
When Kuoteq'eko realized that he couldn't help Hakal in the Jungle he sended all Skinks and Saurus under his command to work. He knew that the...
Kuoteq´eko layed in the bushes and thinks about how he forgot his Blowpipe at his belt.But he stayed optimisticaly that the others will kill the...
Responding on Hakals Call Kuoteq'eko Calls a Bolt of Tepoks Thunder onto the Carnosaur (1 magic Point remaining?) So inccensed by the Beast he...
Kuoteq'eko feeled a Bit insulted when Xolek-Zi shrug him of, but he immidieatly forgot it,because he was Kind of Happy to See those who didn't...
I an help you a Bit with cooking Tips Or Recepts but it is very easy
i meant the Eyebrows of the Masks
I would like to be a Skink Priest named Kuoteq´eko his AoS reborn Storyline is on the Discord.He is very night active and quiet .He has a Black...
Why do the masks have Germany Flags?
Could we please play that at end you can Travel on EotGs :woot:
Maybe put the Results of every Round on Lustria online but the thinking ,playing and other Stuff on Discord
Trying to finish the Base of My Starseer Kuoteq'eko thinkig about a Stone in a swamp and one of My Chainrasps rises before him Could take some...