When I have read Settra rules and just thaught one Moment shouldn't i rule over Khmeri buutt maybe i am his grand wesir of. Arcane and sth Like...
It is because i Like UNDEAD and LIZARDS
I think i am right here muhuhahaha
Yours Looks like the Great Lizard of Sirius or the Plejads
Danke muss mir nur noch ein gescheites Farb Schema überlegen tendire zu einem blau Schwarzen Stegadon und einem mit Rakarth und nen bisschen Flash...
The great Blue Lizard Slar'rok
With out Hover Throne
Updated Version now
My half stoned Skink Priest of Blood[ATTACH][ATTACH]
Bot quite as good as yours but wanted to Show him(Kuoteq'eko)
The Benefit is that you can hide your big Flyers When They have been atacked and hide them for a good Moment. I Made the 2d6 mechanic in it to...
Suggestion for Carrier abbility: Instead of setting up a uniof Terradons Or Rpperdactyl Riders you can say They have landed in a Thunderlizards...
Okay when i see that i can imagine to build once in the time a Mazda with a EotG and a Slann (sry for my english i am german)