I will paint my first Saurus unit. 30 models.
Those are all well written books, except for the Sisters of Battle WD list, which is neither well written or even a book. Many people view Tomb...
Salamanders will take a hit. Razordons are about right for their points I think, the only reason that they don't see more use is that Salamanders...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far. (4 Cold Ones Painted) They look great! I have my doubts about those fillers though, not sure they will...
PVA (white glue) is good for sand and indeed almost all scatter materials you might put on bases. I generally do PVA+sand before painting and...
Twice the number of paints to choose from is all good to me. More Foundation, sorry BASE paints, which is what I base all my colour schemes on,...
The good part is that I believe the poster has been right before. He doesn't post a lot and he doesn't come across as very knowledgeable but I get...
I don't know about tufts being expensive, sure the pack costs a good few £/€/$ but it lasts quite a while. I have a Silflor pack bought from...
Instant Mold. Very easy to work with as it goes soft in hot water and can be recycled.
Yep, good stuff. Looks like he found a good jungle too.
I changed materials for the shields. Now I use stone cast plaster which is much faster than the green stuff. It cures really hard so it isn't as...
Some, not all. Doomdivers cause D6 hits so it doesn't really affect them. Cannons are unchanged but they were always crazy powerful. Mortars are...
Re: Where are the 8th ed rules for Chaos Dwarves I hear abou It's called the Legion of Azgorh and you'll find it in the Warhammer Forge book...
Empire is next, that much is certain. April 7th, with advance orders to coincide with WD on March 31st. Chaos Warriors are probably not far away...
Re: New Painting Comp - April 2012 I expect to have Ogres out of the way by April and really get going with the Lizards so 300 points should be easy.
I made a couple of more shields and most come out with some small defect or other. I think I'll try and paint them and see how they turn out. They...
I don't see Lizardmen getting a new book anytime soon, but when we do I would expect all existing plastics to stay unchanged. They are all good...
Thanks guys, that's the kind of reaction that will reinforce my faith in this concept. To clarify, I'm not sculpting these shields from scratch....
Re: WiP for a new modeller: advice, tips, contructive critic That's because this forum uses [ pic ] tags instead of [ img ] tags. This is your...
So I finally got the first batch of plastics, a used lot I got a pretty good deal on considering only ten of them had any paint. The first thing...