Actually the rules for what is and what isn't a rank are very clear. No single model qualifies, monster or otherwise.
There is no such rule for Monsters. 5 Skinks DO get Steadfast against a Stegadon since they have a rank and the Steg doesn't.
Great pitch, you should be pleased! I love the big scoreboard frog and the midfield symbol.
Great stuff! Lovely painting and lovely terrain.
Great post Stonecutter!
All theory since I don't have any but I'm thinking: 1. Cheap units. If you're frenzied on a low Ld you should be cheap, or leading them around by...
Just get MR2 and you'll have a 2+ against all wounds caused. Saves your dispel dice for Soulblight and Purple Sun.
That was the case in the old book, but sadly not in the new one. It's a hidden nerf. Stand and shoot can be good, but again, you need the enemy...
I tried Loremaster High and I tried Wandering Deliberations. Lormaster High was a disappointment. High Magic suffers from limited range and no...
Yes to all penalties. They apply as there is no exception removing them. Basically this means you can only shoot them at less than 9" or when...
Played two games, one uncomped and one ETC (so almost uncomped). Won the first against HE and the second against Daemons. While the HE army was...
Try Wandering Deliberations. I finally did last night and I loved it. In any given magic phase I felt like I had at least 4 spells that would be...
I don't think human concepts of sin would apply to Lizardmen. Their weakness is blind obedience, and reliance on magic in a world where magic is...
I'd say natural rolls of 6, or you could just as well argue that rolls of 6+1 are rolls of 7 and don't trigger PF anymore. Or that it's impossible...
Fencer's Blades has the Paired Weapons rule, not the Additional Hand Weapon rule. Paired Weapons grant +1A to anyone, while Additional Hand...
I got one on the day of release as it was my favourite among the SoM releases and I think I've used it in most SoM games I've played since. Most...
The main advantage is that he gets to use his shield in combat for a 3+ AS. If you take a Gold Sigil Sword (I10) you'll probably get to make your...
Yeah, Chaos Dwarfs is definitely an army I want to collect some day. The range is amazing. I'm half waiting for them to complete the range and...
Yep. The spell description specifically excludes 'used up' items.
Granted, The Great Leveller can be a game winner in the right circumstances, but 95% of the time you don't really want to cast it anyway. Some...