Actually no, a special rule that triggers Irresistible Force does not also trigger a Miscast, so any double that is not a double 6 would be...
Why not make the Slann a Heavens Loremaster so you can double up the comet? I can't see anyone stopping two.
It's just a thought I had, I never tried it. But I would consider 12 models deployed 6 wide. It's fairly cheap, very good comp score (only -3) and...
I think those lists are very strong for SweComp but 5-6 is also a very low score. Life+Rumination isn't cheap. I'd be tempted to try some MSU...
"Cadians just guard a gate" Good one. Just a gate. Once upon a time Catachans used to have a add-on codex of their own, which included special...
It's the other way around ... ONLY magical attacks can hurt him.
With some models you have to be careful when you assemble them in order for them to rank up properly. With Lizardmen it is often the tail you need...
Yep, perfectly legal. Pay attention to the ranges on the Death Magic spells tough, they are fairly short so that Slaughtermaster must get pretty...
Good job! The thing on the head isn't hair, it's feathers. Taken from an older Saurus model actually.
Good points Moniker. I like the idea of everyone getting to vote by PM. It's slightly harder than just clicking a poll so there would be no...
Re: New player, test scheme? and how to base? It's a good scheme, I think it will work. With bases I always prefer to use at least two...
I read that one on Warseer too, and what strikes me is that everything in it looks like it might be educated guessing and reasonable wishlisting...
We get 3+ new plastic kits so it's all good to me.
Something more. Posted on Warseer by Harry: Harry and Hastings are among the few people to pay attention to in the torrential whinefest that is...
You never know with the Internet I suppose but I always assumed it was a person. Here's the exact quote from Warseer: And link:...
Hastings recently said that the next 4 books for both games would all be chaos. Meaning Chaos Marines and Warriors of Chaos this year and double...
Great list there. In my last SoM game my opponent summoned an Ogre Butcher in turn 5 to grab a Fulcrum in turn 6 as we were both running low on...
I would go for amphibian animals at least, ocean creatures like whales would just look silly on a battlefield. I used the Sea-Devil Keirioc-Kro...
Nope. Flanking is great for many reasons, but it doesn't break steadfast. Only an equal or greater amount of ranks will ever do that.
Re: Next AOW lizardman Love that head, really good.