Correct, the maximum number of wounds you can do to a basic Ogre is 3. For CR count the number of wounds actually inflicted. If you kill 3...
Whatever happens there will be a minimum of 2 non-dwarf players on each team so both teams will be casting spells with their dice. If they dispel...
Re: Any hints on when Forge World will release more MA Monst FW/WF have had a new release every Friday for several months now. Usually the...
Slann general with Focused Rumination and Divine Plaque of Protection, Lore of Life (running solo) Scar-Vet on Cold One with Armour of Fortune...
I would go magic heavy. 4 dice is like Storm of Magic, but only the best and third best for dispel is less than SoM where you get the best two so...
Nah, I think he's good. Not so hard to spot IRL as in the picture. In May I'm going to try to do three units of 10 Skinks, two Salamanders and an...
Thank you all for your encouragement. @Old Mossy: There is a champion, he has shoulder pads. He isn't quite in focus though. :oops: @Moniker:...
Great armour and claws there. Now go paint some Lizardmen. :P
Great stuff Moniker! Good work Arli. I wouldn't know what to do with that many Skinks.
I finally finished, though it was slow going the first half of the month before I got all the steps settled. The last 10 were really fast though,...
Finished! Pictures will be in my paintlog soon.
I think using just one Thunderwolf to represent the two wolves normally pulling the chariot would be cool. With a chariot attached, that is. I...
The start of the month was really slow for me as I hadn't really settled on the exact steps for my colour scheme and I realised I had to cut all...
The process I settled on is I start with a metal glyph plate from GW Direct and make a bunch of moulds with Instant Mold. When the Instant Mold is...
All the textures are the same, just with a different colour. I doubt there's any better way to do it than what AllSeeingSkink did with the grey...
I don't think that will work. The Dry range works very well for drybrushing but it is too thick for any other work. @AllSeeingSkink: Good job and...
New for almost everything, especially the plastics. The only thing I miss is the old Slann palanquin carried by Temple Guard.
I have it now. :D I can see what you mean about the upgrades. Being Ethereal is pretty nasty for a big beastie like that.
I did preorder the book, but didn't get it yet. Unless I really dislike the model I will probably reward myself with one when I've painted up a...
I went and got a bunch of the new paints to try them out. Did a spot of painting with them and they seem good so far. The Dry range is incredibly...