name: Boboassa suggestion: Lava Lake
intresting... thanks! i-ll play this list in a couple days and then ill report to you the results ;)
Looks good to me but I don't know what heavens watch battalion does
today i played with the list i wrote above against a vampire list which was something like this: 2 coven-throne 3 fell bats 4x5 blood knights 2x3...
this is the list he used last time: 1 abhorrant ghoul king on zombie dragon 1 varghulf courtier 1 crypt haunter courtier (general) 20 crypt ghoul...
Thanks a lot! could this be a viable list in your opinion? Allegiance: Order Heroes Skink Chief (60) - General - Ornate Club & Blowpipe - Trait:...
i have some problems winning against a friend of mine who plays a Flesh-eater Courts army list and keeps spawning troopswith his heroes... i...
i was worried you stopped painting... :D
Cool transition between the colours on the cloack!
Very cool conversions! Where did you find all those feathers?
Great job! I can't wait to see the priest painted!
HER?! is it a she? good job though!!
That's a cool one!
Ok thanks, the problem is that i don't want to paint over the white because it's hard to cover the blue with white to correct the mistake
Do you mean painting them one by one or drybrushing with more paint on the brush?
Thanks man, the only problem with this colour scheme is that it's very hard to drybrush the blue on the white to paint just the scales, any...
Here i come with my first painted model! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Te images are not that great: there's more contrast between the...
Very nice stuff man! with an easy technique you give a lot of character to your army!
PS sorry for the bad pictures
Finally had some time to work so i assembled the skink starpriest and tried to fit him and the carno on a base... [ATTACH] Since the main color...