Finished. Hope you have enjoyed it as much as me ! ( Lots of pics ) [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach]
First I want to finish the carnosaur, but it is almost done, so yeah, there will be pics of the rider soon.
War paint!! [attach] I had more pictures but I don't know what happens with the USB, i always use linux to post them and for one time i use...
Another update here. No time at all to paint but anyway here it is: [attach] -Gaps fixed. -Scales highlighted To do : Another tiny highlight to...
Gaps fixed. [attach] [attach]
Not too late to be fixed, before painting it seems to be good, but then i prime and yeah, there were quite BIG gaps. I'm going to fix it today....
Even more? I don't know, it could be ok, i will try to do it ;)
So, here's another update. I think its the last one, at least with the carnosaur, i will also update when i paint kro-gar. I have fix some things,...
Photos are a bit fuzzy because they were taken with the mobile phone camera. Next time I will take them with my real camera ( that was low of...
Thank you all guys! A little update here. I start working in the scales and head. It will be finished soon. Then i will paint kro-gar. [attach]...
Hi guys i have just started painting my carnousar. It's still unfinished. I have to paint the scales in red and orange and fix some details and...