Priest is done! They've been satin varnished too. [ATTACH] OSL effect worked pretty well with the GSW fluoro paint, as it's translucent like...
LOVE the skin tones on this guy!!
She's been super supportive of it the entire time since I started last year. We dedicate time after work every day for our hobbies (she draws, and...
The second attempt went much better. The color is more cohesive. I did some heavier drybrushing on the raised stone parts with screaming skull to...
dude those advertisements are great, you should get them printed as stickers! id slap the whatalizard one on my laptop.
At least you'll have it done and enjoy a rush of serotonin afterwards!
I played around with some basing ideas over the past few days and I'm getting closer to something. [ATTACH] The one on the left is a sandstone...
Thank you all! I paint slow in order to minimize the mistakes I make. Definitely have a lot to learn still, especially when it comes to basing and...
It’s not required per say but I’d recommend priming first to give the paste something easier to adhere to. If you don’t have brush on primer then...
I've moved most of the skink force to a drawer to better organize them. [ATTACH] The paint scheme for the most part has been yellow skin with...
My name is Lemmy, and I'm a plastic addict. Hi Lemmy... I picked up the small AoS starter set out of curiosity last summer, and after having a...
This month: -Start my painting blog -Finish painting 9 chameleons -Make a base for Kroak (will require lots of experimentation) -Assemble...
Finished all this including the indomitus necrons. Even got my chameleons primed, painted a test model, and started base coating the other 9. Now...
Any idea if the seraphon underworlds warband is going up for preorder this weekend? I see the kill team stuff is already there.
Seems like it's time for an update. Cleaned and assembled 24 skinks, 10 chameleons, and my standard bearer. Decided to leave Kroak unassembled....
Fantastic! I love the highlighting style, the thickness gives it a cel-shaded look to it. Did you glaze the pointy parts of the green scales on...
This month, I'll be building stuff I've accumulated over the past two months. I've got a box of skinks, two blister packs of chameleons, a...
Certainly, here’s a pic from my spawning pool in my shelf. [ATTACH] I’ve tried to make a cohesive theme, and have a recipe for paint schemes...
Hey everyone! Got into painting AOS miniatures a few months ago during quarantine through a friend, and decided to pick up the Seraphon (due to a...