We all know you'll buy em all eventually, so who cares what the order is? 0:)
Or buy another stegadon :p
Hahaha Mortal wound dart spitting skinks. Yes.
Yeah that's what i assume; i was just being greedy :) Which reminds me, the same can't be done though eith plague monks from skaven. It you...
Question: do both throwers make an attack? It does say "sunfire throwerS" on the war scroll though...
Against hordes it's crazy powerfull! Just like the moon hammer from kroxs
Whaaaat?! :D
They need to give us more motivation; and by motivation i don't mean just a book. Which is well accepted...but ONLY a book? :/
3 models or terradons/rips or units? :p
Oh yeah i missed it...
What about the veteran on cold one?
Buy em at ebay...or who knows if someday we'll see em again. Luckily i got bot oxayotl and tehenhauin 2 weeks ago :3
Oh. Well...i hope they keep their word.
Yeah maybe for now it's only a reboxing update...but from next week, new units! They SAID they were gonna be based upon modelling afterall
You expected new units?
kurt tends to be always right
most of them have. oxyotl is now "stalker" lol
it would be nuts not to be able to use the warscrolls... curious to see the starpriest. i guess carnosaur is the t-rex? :)
after that first turn, they will probably die if they get attacked by a couple of units. they are like kamikaze units haha
I go javelin and club. 40 of them sometimes wuth the skink chief, and of course the skink patrol. With their withdraw ability they reign on the...