Hahah Cause if by any chance they did, i'd lead the mob to burn em down
You said you doubted it. I underlined it cause it's an absurd idea :)
Nah they are not taking em off the market :)
I totally agree with what you said about gw not listening to feedback and aiming for short term profit, i think this is the main flaw ehich then...
Well the update came and as expected it was bout tau for 40k Nothing on lizardmen/seraphon
I'm surprised they chose the lizards, even if only for new bases.
Wow! When the bases were changed for skaven pestilence units, this didn't happen... 2 more hours for the weekly update here in jp, so i'll post...
Regarding the sales. Ok, when i say "playing" i meant here in japan, i could have specified that. My bad. It IS encouraging the opposite to...
Are the system requirements out? I wanna check too! even though i'm sure it candle the game, i lost all common knowledge on specs lol Everything...
I really don't see that big of a difference in the artwork... But nice, good to know things are moving! And forgeworld, finally an update on...
My 2 cents would be to read the warscrolls carefully and choose units who make sense together. Other than that, since you prefer 8th, i hope you...
Sure man it's not about convincing someone :) So you practically never play aos?
Man and sorry for all the typos and grammar mistakes :/
Up to aos i swear i ALWAYS saw the same armies over and over again. I stopped playing, along with other people, cause it became redundant... Once...
"Just take my money" Don't we all want a COMPLETE game of warhammer? Why leave it without factions?
I wonder how summonings will work
Exacty. I already cringe at the idea of aTHREE standalone titles ......
Good thinking, but unless it is CA's, i wont buy your whole idea, with all due respect. It all boils down to 2 things: the dlc price and its...
I will say goodbye to my social life lol
Yeah that would make more sense! Hopefully each dlc is a bundle of factions Yet again if there are 3 standalone games, this just makes more...