Idk man; if you buff em with mystic shealds etc you have em very similar to a unit of temple guards and they will be more, thus being able to...
You're lucky enough you can play with many guys though :) i still don't like that too much, these rules Here in jp 90% of players like 40k so i...
I used to play a long time ago and liked fantasy, but i always thought it was too much. My personal opinion. Some units were USELESS; now in AoS...
Here in japan (living here now) many say sold out. I managed to buy lots of em like 2 weeks ago just before they went unsold... Curiously, the...
What about the sunfire throwers? I mean, the bow has a -1 rend but only 3 attacks, while the sunfires will most probably have many more depending...
Yeah the ripps are excellent while swooping down and charging, specially in large numbers...but in normal combat and if you have 3 models, they...
Hey there, my name's sergio. Half italian-half spanish but born and raised in colombia until i was 12, then moved back to italy and currently...