i like a lot of it, but why no disciplines?
1) Coldblooded ( :D), unrelenting, ancient, wise, mysterious 2) Mazdamundi, Kroq gar, Croak, Nakai 3) The least favourite thing is the limited...
I dont like the name child for Slann cause it sounds infantile, and in fact they are old wise contepmlative.... sooooo slann: conjurers of fate,...
I agree we should formulate a new proposition which would have two parts - one which would contain must changes like the slann disciplines, and...
hahaha didnt know double fleeing worked thata way, what a scam, good ridence...
i dont know what i was reading but now that ive checked it cleraly says so...sry for the confussion...
ok, it just doesnt state that in the description, it says what ws to use, what tougnes and wound but no mention about saves...
what do you mean?
the combined profile says nothing about what armor save or ward, regeneration save to use?
sooo i guess.... Nostradamundi? :D :D :D
onli skid threw, special has no precentage cap, cannons have scater dice from which you substract the shooters baliistic skill...
the true children...I like the sound of that...
discussion is al im aiming at...why do i think skinks are important, cause of our general army play style, (and I would like to add that I ve...
only 80???? just kidding :p but it would cost 400 points...
mhhm mhmm i see your point.... well perhapse, and I am just thinking out loud, the cheaper version without the camougflage is better, 'cause you...
dpuble tap and long range means you hit on 6s which is reealy all you care about...i like blowpipes wouldnt whant to loose them...
whats wrong with blowpipes? i missed that part
after some thougt, i like it... I mean i can totaly see me fielding a carno vet now....when they nerf cannons hell be a blast...there roll will be...
i agree with @NIGHTBRINGER , I mean try an uncomped DE executioner death star or witches, or HE whitelions , they rend everything in their...
disposing of character walls will be a significant hit for ogres, but i dont mind, ogres are a solid army and i like a chalenge...i never heared...